So, we went to the doctor yesterday for Audrey's 9 Month checkup...
She is a whopping 15 lbs. and is 27 in.! My little string bean! The doctor says that she is in the 5% in weight and 75% in height. She said our little Audrey is doing great and is right on schedule for everything, she growing at her own little pace and she is perfect. She is just a daintly little girl with an excellent matabolism!
Audrey loved the doctor's office until she got her shots, she let out a few little crys and then in went her fingers to console her. The only thing that would make her smile again where the smarties that we got on the way out! You'd never know it by looking at her but that little girl loves food and a treat can always put her in a good mood! She is definately her mothers daughter in that department!